安南绍治通宝七钱。 重 27.13 克。大规格银版,枪灰色包浆,铸打锐利,仅有轻微经手痕迹。所述修补位于边缘为减少粗糙感的几处修平。 ANNAM. 7 Tien, ND (1841-47). Thieu Tri. PCGS Genuine--Repaired, AU Details. KM-288; Sch-238. Weight: 27.13 gms. Quite attractive and charming, this large silver issue exhibits a gunmetal gray tone with a fairly sharp strike and only light handling. The noted repair emanates from some areas at the rims that have been smoothed out a bit in order to reduce any roughness. Ex: Sullivan Collection.