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联合创办 CICE/HKCS 系列钱币展销会

联合创办 CICE/HKCS 系列钱币展销会

首席收藏网 > 数据中心 > 冠军拍卖 > 冠军2021年5月澳门-钱币专场

Lot:60 孙像货布民国25年壹圆镍币 NGC MS 64 CHINA-REPUBLIC 1936 Sun Yat Sen One Dollar Nickel Spade Coin Essay

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USD 30000-60000


2021-05-30 10:00:00

2021-05-30 17:00:00


USD 126000



lot 060,1936年(民国二十五年)孙中山像布图壹圆镍币试样币,K632y,KM-PN176,NGC MS64,

NC 藏品,1992年2月Spink-Taisei 拍卖第111号拍品,1992年2月Spink-Taisei 拍卖买入,出自1963年韦德· 雷蒙德拍卖(525美元)正如刊登在1995年《东亚泉志》上的一篇文章《中国1936年和1937年银圆真相》所述(这个有关这种钱币的故事后来被耿爱徳所採用),1936年带有方足布的壹圆和中圆铸造量并不大,而且很可能是在上海或菲律宾被铸造,并非在三藩市。而1937年的壹圆和中圆则肯定是在三藩市铸造,因为1937年的两种面额上都有造币厂标记“S”。1937年的钱币被大量铸造(实际上大量铸造是在1938年),但从未运送至中国,实际上这些钱币都在三藩市造币厂被熔化。

目前留存下来的少量钱币,很可能是当时送给上海造币厂官员的样品。而1936年的钱币几乎肯定只有样币。美国的记录证实在1936年美国造币厂(很可能是费城造币厂)铸造了一些中国壹圆和中圆样币,但不知道是铸造了哪种钱币。1936年壹圆和中圆样币有两种-Kann 632-633和Kann 634-635,还有一些奇特的没有希腊边的中圆样币(Kann 632ii 和633ii)。奇怪的是在1935年中国已经禁止使用银币,但为什麽还在铸造1936年的样币和1937年的钱币呢?其原因多多少少是一种中国政府和美政府及一些想抬高银价的国会议员之间的政治交易。当时美国暗地裡从中国买进大量白银以此来协助中国抵制日本! 交易条件之一就是要求中国装作要发行银币,一旦中日战争爆发,则美国放弃这个条件。这些银币实际上也是一种历史的见证。,

CHINA-REPUBLIC 1936 Sun Yat Sen One Dollar Nickel Spade Coin Essay, K632y, KM-PN176, NGC MS64, NC Collection, Ex. Spink-Taisei Sale 2/92 LOT 111, Spink-Taisei Sale 2.1992($1,375 to $1,485)As demonstrated in The True Story of Chinas 1936 and 1937 Silver Dollars published in the Journal of East Asian Numismatics in 1995, Kann got the story about these coins backwards. The 1936 dollar and half dollar with spade coin design were not made in quantity and were most likely made in Shanghai or Philadelphia, not San Francisco. The 1937 dollar and half dollar were definitely made in San Francisco - both denominations have the "S" mintmark. The 1937 coins were made in quantity (actually in 1938), but they were never shipped to China, and were, in fact, melted at the San Francisco Mint. The few pieces which survive today were probably samples sent to mint officials in Shanghai. The 1936 coins, on the other hand, are almost certainly patterns. Records in the United States confirm that the U.S. Mint (most likely Philadelphia) made some pattern Chinese dollars and/or half dollars in 1936. What we dont know is which coins were made. There are two different sets of 1936 pattern dollars and half dollars - Kann 632-633 and 634-635, plus an odd group of pattern half dollars without the Greek border (Kann 632ii and 633ii). All of these silver pattern coins are rather strange considering that China had outlawed the use of silver coins in 1935. Why then were the 1936 patterns and 1937 coins made at all ? The answer is that they were part of a more-or-less secret political deal between the Chinese government, the U.S. government and a group of U.S. congressmen who were trying to drive up the price of silver. The U.S. government was quietly buying up huge amounts of silver from China in an effort to help her resist and later fight the Japanese. As part of the deal, the United States required the Chinese to at least pretend to issue silver coins. Once the war between China and Japan broke out, however, the U.S. dropped this condition. These rare coins are part of a fascinating and little known historical event.

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