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联合创办 CICE/HKCS 系列钱币展销会

联合创办 CICE/HKCS 系列钱币展销会

首席收藏网 > 数据中心 > Stack's Bowers and Ponterio > SBP2021年4月香港#B-Pinnacle集藏

Lot:50105 1830-CNB年俄罗斯铂金6卢布。圣彼得堡造币厂。尼古拉斯一世。RUSSIA. Platinum 6 Rubles, 1830-CNB. St. Petersburg Mint. Nicholas

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USD 5000 - 10000


2021-04-06 10:00:00

2021-04-06 12:00:00

USD 13200



1830-CNB年俄罗斯铂金6卢布。圣彼得堡造币厂。尼古拉斯一世。RUSSIA. Platinum 6 Rubles, 1830-CNB. St. Petersburg Mint. Nicholas I. PCGS Genuine--Repaired, AU Details Gold Shield.发行量:8,610枚。稀罕面值,正面底板有些许修补痕迹,但磨损轻微,光泽出众,赏心悦目。在西西伯利亚的乌拉尔地区发现铂金后,三种新的俄罗斯面额应运而生。根据 1828 年 4 月 24 日的帝国法令,开始以铂金铸流通币。在 19 世纪的俄罗斯,铂金造币的发行量有限,且时长不足二十年。新造的硬币面额并不受公众欢迎,因为铂金呈淡白色,在流通中并不普遍。 1845 年,帝国颁布了一项法令,停止铸造铂金币。同时,需于六个月内将所有现时市面上流通的铂金币全数召回。因此,许多原铸币被召回并熔毁,此品流传至今,足见其稀有性。由于法令所规定的六个月时限太短,无法完全收回及和熔毁所有铂金发行,亦容让我们今日有幸能呈献此一罕见发行。Fr-159; KM-C-178; Bit-56. Weight: 20.59 gms. Mintage: 8,610. A great example of this seldom-encountered denomination, the present piece does exhibit some minor repair in the obverse field, yet nevertheless displays little in the way of wear, all while retaining great brilliance and an alluring eye appeal.The discovery of platinum in the Urals of Western Siberia resulted in the production of three new Russian decimal coinage denominations. By the imperial decree of April 24, 1828, platinum coinage was initiated for circulation. The minting of platinum coinage in 19th century Russia was done on a very limited basis and for a period of less than two decades. The new coinage denominations were not well-received by the public, as they were produced in a pale white metal that was unfamiliar in circulation. In 1845, an imperial decree was issued ordering the minting of platinum coinage to cease. Simultaneously, the existing pieces were ordered to be recalled within a six month period. For this reason, much of the original mintages were redeemed and destroyed, which accounts for their rarity today. As the allowable six month period was too short for all the platinum issues to be redeemed and destroyed, it is largely responsible for the examples known today. From the Pinnacle Collection.<p>Ex: Numismatica Genevensis SA II (11/2002) Lot # 1044.