清朝12生肖花钱。中乾评级"78"。 24.9克。正面为黄道十二宫中文铭文,及其对应标志。背面为伏羲八卦图,及其对应中文铭文。製作精良,高铸处有中度黄铜色包浆,镂空及图文处有深棕色包浆。编者评分:普品。
CHINA. Qing (Ch ing) Dynasty (1644-1911). 12 Zodiac Charm, ND. Graded "78" by Zhong Quian Ping Ji Grading Company. 24.9 gms. Chinese inscription with the twelve corresponding signs of the zodiac; Reverse: Eight diagrams of Fu Hsi with corresponding Chinese inscription. A well made piece with attractive medium brassy tone on the high points and rough rich brown patina in the open fields and amongst the devices. Our grade: VERY FINE.