USD 300 - 500
2019-08-21 10:00:00
2019-08-19 19:00:00
川陕省苏维埃二百文铜币。 实心铁锤,小字"200"。珍罕。此版别多粗铸,坯饼平平但图文清晰,均匀深棕色包浆。
CHINA. Szechuan-Shensi Soviet. 200 Cash, 1933. NGC FINE-12 Brown. KM-Y-510.5; cf. Duan-41; cf. CL-SWA.12. Variety with solid hammer and small "200". A SCARCE type on a typically crude and poorly struck planchet but with a good degree of clarity on the lettering and devices and even, dark brown patina.