USD 400 - 600
2018-04-02 09:30:00
2018-04-02 18:00:00
四川省造光绪元宝当十。极罕,以偏重的坯模铸造。对于四川当十,Woodward曾言:"四川省与江南省特点相同,为一普通版别的钱币铸造大量不同版别。我们相信,此枚并非以钢铁模所铸,而是在平滑的铁面上雕刻,结果坯模很快磨损,需要大量製造新模具。"此版别反面满文较低,围绕龙身的火焰指向"CHUEN"的"H" ,"四"字的底横消失不见。见磨损痕迹,与评分相符。此枚铸打深峻,细节精緻。背面有细微坯饼瑕疵,底板柔和,棕色包浆诱人,与评级相当。值得作深入考究。
AU-55 BN Secure Holder.
From the Q. David Bowers Collection.Ex: R. B. White.
CHINA. Szechuan. 10 Cash, ND (1903-05). PCGS AU-55 BN Secure Holder.8.3 gms. CL-SC.33; Y-229.2; CCC-Mule 372 obv. with 377 rev.; W-1266 (L-3); cf.Duan-1809(obverse only). RARE struck on an unusually heavy planchet. Regarding the copper ten cash of Szechuan, Woodward (p. 136) comments, "This remote province shares with Kirin Province the distinction of having issued a large number of varieties of dies for one general type of coin. Indeed, we are tempted to presume that the matrices were not hardened into steel dies, but just engraved on plain iron, with the result that such dies quickly wore away and fresh ones had to be constantly made." This variety is noted by having the Manchu characters set unusually low on the reverse, the flame surrounding the dragon pointing to the "H" of "CHUEN" and the bottom stroke of "Si" is missing. Light signs of wear consistent for the grade. Well struck with good definition of the fine details displaying an attractive milk chocolate patina over smooth surfaces. An interesting example sure to excite the specialist worthy of further research.