No. 3359. Reflective of an intended issue of £28,000; this note comes from a total of £8,000 that made their way to circulation under legislation passed in October 1778. Notes from this emission are represented solely by small denominations that would have much use in commerce owing to the limited supply of coinage throughout the period. A small ovoid vignette of the "Sacred Cod" may be seen along the top margin while a fairly rudimentary design accomplishes the balance of the arrangement engraved by the likes of Paul Revere. The back design by comparison uses an arrangement similar to that favored on the subsequent emission of notes from 1779 albeit with some slight differences. Overall, the very nature of this specimen does well to reflect the grade assigned by PMG and should portend much interest for this item at auction. PMG Pop 2/2 Finer.From the Richard August Collection.