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联合创办 CICE/HKCS 系列钱币展销会

联合创办 CICE/HKCS 系列钱币展销会

首席收藏网 > 数据中心 > Stack's Bowers and Ponterio > SBP2024年10月香港#2-新疆边境瑰宝

Lot:41211 新疆省造光绪银元七钱二分银币 PCGS SP 40 CHINA. Sinkiang (as Sungarei). Silver 7 Mace 2 Candareens (Dollar)

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USD 300000 - 500000


2024-10-15 11:00:00

2024-10-15 15:00:00





新疆省造光绪银圆库平重七钱二分银样币。埃斯林根(奥託贝)铸币厂。(t) CHINA. Sinkiang (as Sungarei). Silver 7 Mace 2 Candareens (Dollar) Pattern, ND (1897). Esslingen (Otto Beh) Mint. Kuang-hsu (Guangxu). PCGS SPECIMEN-40.

此枚光绪银圆气势恢宏,是中国钱币中的珍稀之品。据考证,此版别仅存世五枚,而获PCGS评级公司认证的仅此一枚,其珍罕程度可见一斑。与安徽、浙江、奉天等省份同期铸造的样币相同,此枚样币的模具同样出自德国埃斯林根的奥托-本公司。币面以""Sungarei""标明省份,不仅是新疆系列钱币收藏家的珍贵藏品,更是二十世纪初中国银元中的瑰宝,对广大钱币爱好者而言,亦是难得一见的罕品。细观之下,可见币面高处带轻微且均匀的磨损,底板亦有几处微不足道的痕迹,瑕不掩瑜,迷人的琥珀色与淡钴蓝色交织,令人爱不释手。汉字和英文依然清晰可辨,龙图在琥珀色的映衬下栩栩如生,更显神武。此枚钱币来源显赫,不仅曾是收藏家古德曼(Irving Goodman)先生的旧藏,更曾被传奇钱币学家耿爱德先生珍藏,百年难遇。值得一提的是,在已知的五枚银质样币中,此枚钱币是最早面世的一枚,并于1930年期间被耿爱德先生纳入囊中。此枚钱币集美感、悦目、传承有序、稀世罕见于一身,得之可谓收藏生涯之幸事。L&M-829; K-1031 (this coin illustrated); KM-Pn47 = Y-12; WS-1309; SGSC-221 (this coin illustrated).

A colossal and monumentally important offering from the vintage Chinese series, this spectacular and <strong>EXCEPTIONALLY RARE</strong> pattern crown stands as one of just five known in silver, with the present piece being the only such example certified by PCGS. Similar to other resounding contemporary patterns from Anhwei, Chekiang, and Fengtien, this specimen was struck from dies produced by the German firm of Otto Ben in Esslingen. Styling the province as "Sungarei," it is no doubt an important specimen no just for the connoisseur of the Sinkiang series, but for early 20th century Chinese crowns and <strong>RARITIES</strong> more broadly.

Some subtle and fairly even wear across the high points is observed, as well as a few rather inconsequential marks in the fields, but the enticing color--<em>a mix of amber-gray and faint cobalt</em>--make these aspects incredibly easy to overlook. The characters and English lettering remain quite sharp and clear, and the dragon springs to life through an amber hue that accentuates the mythical creature. This specimens fantastic pedigree should also generate massive interest, in that it emanates not only from the impressive collection of Irving Goodman, but the fabled holdings of Eduard Kann as well. Furthermore, of the five examples in silver known, it is this piece that appeared first on the market, passing into Kanns collection sometime in the 1930s. It goes without saying that this specimen may well represent the chance of a lifetime when one considers the convergence of beauty, eye appeal, provenance, and absolute rarity.From the SGSC Collection.

Ex: Chen Gi-mao Collection.
Ex: Liu Kai-tsao Collection, sold in 2005.
Ex: Irving Goodman Collection (Superior - 6/1991) Lot # 1642.
Ex: Eduard Kann Collection (Part 2, "Quality Sales" Corp. - 9/1971) Lot # 2785.

价格参考 Price Guide