1969-75年台湾银行一组4枚,包括伍圆,拾圆2枚及伍拾圆,首尾字轨皆为A号,分别评PMG 63 (轻微渍点),64,64,58 Bank of Taiwan, a group of the 1969-75 issues, including 5 yuan, 10 yuan (2), 50 yuan, all AA prefix/suffix, (Pick 1978a, 1979a, b, 1980), PMG 63 (minor stain), 64, 64, 58 (4)
1969-75年台湾银行一组4枚,包括伍圆,拾圆2枚及伍拾圆,首尾字轨皆为A号,分别评PMG 63 (轻微渍点),64,64,58 Bank of Taiwan, a group of the 1969-75 issues, including 5 yuan, 10 yuan (2), 50 yuan, all AA prefix/suffix, (Pick 1978a, 1979a, b, 1980), PMG 63 (minor stain), 64, 64, 58 (4)