民国四十三年台湾银行壹圆2枚,马祖地名,编号AA987639,A732790C,中央厂版及台湾银行印刷所版,分别评PMG 64及65EPQ Bank of Taiwan, Matsu Issue, 1 yuan (2), Year 43 (1954), serial number AA987639, A732790C, printers CPF and PFBT, (Pick R119, R120), PMG 64 and 65EPQ (2)
民国四十三年台湾银行壹圆2枚,马祖地名,编号AA987639,A732790C,中央厂版及台湾银行印刷所版,分别评PMG 64及65EPQ Bank of Taiwan, Matsu Issue, 1 yuan (2), Year 43 (1954), serial number AA987639, A732790C, printers CPF and PFBT, (Pick R119, R120), PMG 64 and 65EPQ (2)