1906年台湾银行金拾圆,编号606221,组号B,PMG 63,2枚冠军分之一,难得一遇之珍品! 亚军分为45,未见明显流通痕迹,令人目不暇给,值得细细欣赏,台湾纸钞藏家不容错过之经典逸品
Bank of Taiwan, 10 yen, ND (1906), serial number 606221, block B, (Pick 1913), PMG 63. PMG Census Top Pop, one of two. A truly spectacular example of this gorgeous 10 yuan. One of the best example known by far, with the second highest grade on PMG being a 45. With barely any signs of circulation, just a truly impressive example. Perfect for any Taiwan collector looking for that trophy piece to take their collection to new heights!