USD 4000 - 8000
2023-10-13 10:00:00
2023-10-14 19:00:00
臆造乙酉光绪年造光绪帝像壹圆型银币。 CHINA. Fantasy "Emperor Kuang-hsu" Silver Dollar, CD ("1885"). NGC Unc Details--Cleaned. 正面为身著传统服饰的光绪半身像,面朝左;背面:中央为盘龙,边框饰有"囍"字样。罕见版式,充满魅力,细节丰富,柔和的金色包浆贯穿始终,延至环形色泽更深。虽有清洗痕迹,依然瑕不掩瑜,颇为诱人。 K-B13; KMX-119; WS-1349-6. Obverse: Bust of Kuang-hsu in traditional clothing facing slightly left; Reverse: Coiled dragon at center with ornate border consisting of the characters "Xixi" or double happiness. An elusive Fantasy Dollar, this intricately designed specimen delivers much charm, with the details being full and a soft golden hue present throughout that intensifies at the peripheries. The noted cleaning is not distracting from the overall appeal of the example, with much enticing allure yet present.