USD 1000 - 2000
2023-10-13 10:00:00
2023-10-14 19:00:00
民国元年军政府造四川壹圆银币。 (t) CHINA. Szechuan. Dollar, Year 1 (1912). Uncertain Mint, likely Chengdu or Chungking. PCGS EF-40. 出头点"金"。备受欢迎的版别,赏心悦目,柔美包浆点缀币面。备受欢迎的一枚,值得更高出价。 L&M-366A; K-775b; KM-Y-456.1; WS-0779. Variety with a long stroke and two dots on "Jin". A pleasant example of this ever popular type, the present specimen delivers good appeal and allure, with soft toning that coats the surfaces inconsistently. A pleasing representative of a popular example that will certainly capture many excited bids.