USD 2000 - 3000
2023-10-13 10:00:00
2023-10-14 19:00:00
民国元年军政府造四川壹圆银币。 (t) CHINA. Szechuan. Dollar, Year 1 (1912). Uncertain Mint, likely Chengdu or Chungking. PCGS MS-61. 不出头"金”。常见款多经清洗、损坏、修补,此枚原厂品相原味十足,两面银光丝滑。底板几乎不见接触痕迹底留痕,此评分而言品相相当出彩,定为集藏添光溢彩。 L&M-366; K-775; KM-Y-456; WS-0778. Variety with short stroke on "jin". Almost always cleaned, damaged, or otherwise impaired, this refreshingly original Mint State piece presents a warm glow of vibrant satin luster from both faces. Contact marks and obnoxious chatter are notably absent from either side of the flan, as technical quality is rather strong for the assigned level. Full of appeal, any numismatist could feel proud about winning this piece and adding it to their sets either as a new addition or an upgrade.