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联合创办 CICE/HKCS 系列钱币展销会

联合创办 CICE/HKCS 系列钱币展销会

首席收藏网 > 数据中心 > Stack's Bowers and Ponterio > SBP2023年4月香港#C-机制币中央 现代币

Lot:42207 1899-S年美国双鹰金币。CHINA. China - United States. Gold Imitative 20 Dollar of Tael Weight, 1899-S (ca. 195

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USD 2500 - 3500

SBP2023年4月香港#C-机制币中央 现代币

2023-04-19 10:00:00

2023-04-19 19:00:00

USD 2040



1899-S年美国双鹰金币。重37.62克。神秘莫测,初见会认为是1899年旧金山造自由女神头像双鹰金币,然而,再次察看则见其实际上是仿造双鹰钱币的设计,王冠上的LIBERTY被改为MODERN。此外,反面外圈的铭文,原版为国名及面值,被改为PRIZE CHINESE MODERN及FLOWER。其英文似是出自不甚明白英文的人士,任何文字均可填补此处的空位。因其重量较一两更重,故此枚可能是20世纪中期的贵金属发行,或者仅是珠宝所用。CHINA. China - United States. Gold Imitative 20 Dollar of Tael Weight, 1899-S (ca. 1950s-70s). ALMOST UNCIRCULATED Details--Scattered Marks.cf. Fr-178 (for prototype); cf. KM-74.3 (same). Weight: 37.62 gms. A numismatic curiosity, this specimen, at first glance, appears to be a San Francisco-produced liberty head Double Eagle from the United States ($20 gold issue) from 1899. However, a second glance reveals that it is, in fact, in imitation of the original, with the normal LIBERTY on the coronet replaced with MODERN. Meanwhile, upon the reverse, the outer legends, where the country and denomination would appear, have been replaced instead by PRIZE CHINESE MODERN and FLOWER. These terms were likely supplied for an audience that was unfamiliar with English, whereby any phrasing would fit the bill. Given the over weight in relation to one tael, it is possible that these served as a mid-20th century bullion issue of some sorts, or possibly also for use in jewelry.