USD 1000 - 1500
2023-04-19 10:00:00
2023-04-19 19:00:00
孙中山像开国纪念壹圆银币。军阀版。模仿名誉品所铸的粗打军阀版。细节尚算有力而丰富。少有的无瑕品相,瞩目非常。(t) CHINA. Dollar, ND (1927). PCGS AU-50.L&M-50; cf. K-608; cf. KM-Y-318a; cf. WS-0165-10. Military or Warlord type. A crude military issue in imitation of the famed type, this example is somewhat strongly detailed and rich with details. Problem free examples seldom are preserved this nicely, and the present example is certain to attract much attention.