USD 800 - 1200
2023-04-19 10:00:00
2023-04-19 19:00:00
孙中山像开国纪念壹圆银币。军阀版。此版打铸较为粗糙,品相完好,呈些许浓厚的琥珀灰色包浆,伴随丝丝稻草黄色,其美感用不黯淡。(t) CHINA. Dollar, ND (1927). PCGS EF-40.L&M-50; cf. KM-Y-318A (for prototype); WS-0159. Military or Warlord type. A cruder version of the popular Memento Dollar, this wholesome specimen presents some deeper amber-gray toning and hints of straw yellow, all while all of its locally engraved charm shines through.