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联合创办 CICE/HKCS 系列钱币展销会

联合创办 CICE/HKCS 系列钱币展销会

首席收藏网 > 数据中心 > SPINK > SPINK2023年1月#A/B-中国币钞/布威纳集藏

Lot:77 光绪二十一年臺湾民主国安全公司股份票伍大员,天字第203号,绿色印刷,红色盖印,左右有「不法棍徒假冒股票军法究治」、「台湾太平之后凭票领回现银」字样。中日甲午战争爆发后的几个月内,清廷已失去旅顺港及威

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HKD 80000 - 160000


2023-01-07 10:00:00

2023-01-07 19:00:00

HKD 420000



光绪二十一年臺湾民主国安全公司股份票伍大员,天字第203号,绿色印刷,红色盖印,左右有「不法棍徒假冒股票军法究治」、「台湾太平之后凭票领回现银」字样。中日甲午战争爆发后的几个月内,清廷已失去旅顺港及威海卫的控制权,虽然主要战场都集中在中国北部的满洲地区,但日本想控制中国南部的意图亦昭然若揭。1895年4月,中日双方举行和谈并签订丧权辱国的马关条约,其中一项条款是清廷将台湾和澎湖列岛的主权割让给日本。消息传至台湾,群情汹涌,民眾决意反抗日人的侵佔,為向国际社会展示抗议及决心,於 1895 年 5 月 25日宣布成立台湾民主国,台湾巡抚唐景崧為首任总统,以抵制及抗拒条约的执行。6月26日镇守台南的刘永福将军继任民主国大总统,為筹集资金,发行股份票及官银票,然而台湾人民仍心繫中原,无论此股份票或官银票皆印上光绪年号。本股份票保存尚佳,获PMG 35评分,PMG纪录唯一获评分的一枚,存世稀少,深具歷史意义,是已知的最稀有中国债券之一,诚可遇不可求之珍品,从收藏或研究歷史的角度皆不容错过。Republic of Formosa, Taiwan, a government bond for 5 yuan, Guangxu 21 (1895), unifaace, green, four chop marks, two red overprints at left and right stating Anyone caught forging these bonds will be subject to military justice, and With the bond, silver pieces can be redeemed after the peace of Taiwan,Within a few months into the First Sino-Japanese war, it has become very apparent that the Qing dynasty was losing with the capture of Port Arthur and Weihaiwei. Although most of the fighting took place at the Manchuria region in the north, it was clear the Japanese had intentions to control southern China as well. In April 1895, peace negotiations were held between the two sides in Shimonoseki and the treaty was signed. And one of the terms were China to cede to Japan the sovereignty of Taiwan and the Pescadores Islands. When news of this peace treaty reached Taiwan, many decided to resist this transfer of rule. The Republic of Formosa was declared on the 23th May 1895. In order to raise finance, these share certificates were issued as a form of government bonds. The revered Chinese warlord Liu Yongfu from the Black Flag Army was the second president and also issued these bonds. A historically important piece with national importance. With less than a handful known, one of the scarcest Chinese government bond known. PMG 35 Choice Very FineA historically important piece with national importance. With less than a handful known, one of the scarcest Chinese government bond known.

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