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联合创办 CICE/HKCS 系列钱币展销会

联合创办 CICE/HKCS 系列钱币展销会

首席收藏网 > 数据中心 > Stack's Bowers and Ponterio > SBP2022年10月香港#N-现代币/机制币中央(上)网拍

Lot:58635 中国茶砖钱。CHINA. Tea Money Brick, ND (ca. 1975-85). EXTREMELY FINE.

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USD 200 - 400


2022-10-11 09:00:00

2022-10-11 19:00:00

USD 144



中國茶磚錢。中国茶叶公司茶砖钱。正面有三行图文,第一行是六颗星星图案;第二行是大门图案,门楣上一颗星;第三行是两行字:中国茶叶公司,赵李桥砖茶厂製造。反面分為 16 格,各有中国如意结点缀,中间為"88"图案。边缘因经手而变得圆润。歷史上,茶砖曾作货币使用,在中原、西藏、蒙古和中亚流通。由於茶砖的即食性和药用性,有时,相较於金属货币,人们更喜爱茶砖。20世纪中叶,茶砖在某些地域依然行使货币功能。本拍品為现代製造,造型独特,用作饮品茶。</em>CHINA. Tea Money Brick, ND (ca. 1975-85). EXTREMELY FINE.Mitch-4144. China National Tea Corporation Tea Money Brick. The front is divided into 3 panels, 6 stars in the upper panel; the center exhibiting a gate with a star in the upper arch; and the bottom panel reading: "Zhongguo Chaye Gongsi" (China National Tea Corporation) in line one, and "Zhaoliqiao Zhuancha Chang Zhizao" (Made by the Zhaoliqiao Brick Tea Factory) in line two. The reverse is perforated into 16 panels, each decorated identically with a motif similar in outline to an endless knot, and with a stylized "88" in the center. Edges slightly rounded from handling.Originally, tea bricks were used as a form of currency throughout China, Tibet, Mongolia, and Central Asia. They were sometimes preferable to metallic currency due to their ready use as food and perceived medicinal benefits when brewed. Tea bricks were reportedly still being used up until the mid-20th Century in some areas. The current lot is a modern recreation by the Peoples Republic, made to sell as a novelty item and for use as tea.</em>

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