中國不同省份銅幣一組。28枚。多元且有趣的一组,主要包含省造十文发行,但也包括其他面值。包浆不一,有些非常有吸引力。有些已被清洗、划伤、环境损坏和/或可能有其他瑕疵。建议仔细检阅,定有惊喜。现况出售,概不退换。估价超过 700 美元。CHINA. Mixed Provincial Struck 10 Cash (28 Pieces), ND (ca. Early-20th Century). Grades VERY FINE to EXTREMELY FINE Details.An interesting and varied gathering primarily containing Provincial 10 Cash issues, but also includes a couple other denominations. All are tone to one degree or another, some quite attractive. Some have been cleaned, scratched, environmental damage and/or may have other defects. Close personal inspection is advised and will reward the diligent bidder. SOLD AS IS/NO RETURNS. Approximate retail value in excess of $700.