USD 700 - 1000
2022-10-04 15:00:00
2022-10-04 19:00:00
1989年5盎司銀章。 觀世音菩薩。锐打,细节完整。霜面图文,镜面底板,亮丽夺目。些许起雾,但瑕不掩瑜。(t) CHINA. "Guanyin, Goddess of Mercy" Silver (5 Ounce) Medal, 1989-5oz. NGC PROOF-67 Ultra Cameo.KMX-MB45. This handsomely largely modern medal delivers a sharp strike and wholesome details. The richly frosted devices contrast beautifully with the deeply mirrored field, creating a beautiful appearance. A touch of haziness is the only fault to be raised against the piece.