USD 1000 - 1500
2022-10-07 10:00:00
2022-10-07 18:00:00
雲南省造唐繼堯像擁護共和紀念三錢六分銀幣。左旗中央带环。经手非常轻微,唐继尧将军肖像,通体呈青铜灰琥珀色,细节完整,夺目诱人。(t) CHINA. Yunnan. 3 Mace 6 Candareens (50 Cents), ND (1917). Kunming Mint. PCGS AU-55.L&M-863; K-673; KM-Y-479.1; WS-0695. Variety with central annulet on left flag. Very lightly handled, this General Tang Ji-yao issue offers a gunmetal gray-amber nature throughout, with excellent overall detail remaining and an entirely wholesome nature.