USD 700 - 1000
2022-10-07 10:00:00
2022-10-07 18:00:00
乙巳吉林省造光緒元寶三錢六分銀幣。十字花,楷书"光",满文无点。获细节评分,深灰色包浆,高处较浅色。整体充满魅力。(t) CHINA. Kirin. 3 Mace 6 Candareens (50 Cents), CD (1905). Kirin Mint. Kuang-hsu (Guangxu). PCGS Genuine--Spot Removed, EF Details.L&M-558; K-520; KM-Y-182A.1; WS-0504. Variety with crossed rosettes, "kai"-style hooked "kuang," and dot within Manchu script. Despite its details designation, this handsome example sports a charming deeper gray tone that lightens a bit upon the higher points. Overall, a charming representative of the type.