福建官局造光緒元寶十文。錯版。龙珠左侧三云,尾上一云。 别具趣味的错版币。字面图文完整镜面成形,铸打精确</em>。整体呈砖红色,零星绿斑,轻微沉积。CHINA. Fukien. Mint Error -- Full Dragon Side Brockage -- 10 Cash, ND (1901-05). Kuang-hsu (Guangxu). PCGS AU-50.KM-Y-100.2. Variety with three clouds to left of fiery pearl and one cloud above tail. Always a dramatic and interesting error type, this brockage issue features a well rendered mirror image--as an incuse impression</em>--left upon what would have otherwise been the characters side. Brick red overall in color, with some scattered spots of green and light deposits.