光緒二十四年奉天機器局造二角銀幣。四掛龙鳞,凸眼龙。虽有瑕疵,但无甚经手痕跡,整体包浆色深。底板见明显刮痕,但与整体品相融和得当,看似是常见的磨损痕跡。CHINA. Fengtien. 1 Mace 4.4 Candareens (20 Cents), Year 24 (1898). Fengtien Arsenal Mint. Kuang-hsu (Guangxu). PCGS Genuine--Scratch, EF Details.L&M-475; K-246; KM-Y-85; WS-0588. Variety with dragon with four rows of scales and with eyes in relief. Despite the noted damage, this specimen is without much in the way of handling and sports a deep tone. Some scattered marks are evident in the fields, but none are all that distracting, and present more as typical wear.