民國十年袁世凱像壹圓銀幣。7 点年。近Gem品相,斑驳包浆,底光之上虹彩炫动,精美典雅。袁世凯像衣领处可见颇明显的衝模痕跡,别增韵味。(t) CHINA. Dollar, Year 10 (1921). PCGS MS-64.L&M-79; K-668; KM-Y-329.6; WS-0183-14. Variety with T-like stroke in "nien". A wonderful example, this near-Gem is rather elegant with it coating of rich mottled patina that spans the rainbow that perfectly compliments the underlying luster. A rather pronounced die clash from the collar of Yuan Shi-kai is seen on the characters side of the design, adding to the appeal of the piece.