光緒二十四年安徽省造庫平三錢六分銀幣。罕见的省造银毫,虽歷经岁月洗礼,依然原味十足的一枚。高铸处见磨损,中央铭文及龙身见些许擦痕。但瑕不掩瑜。币面散发诱人的枪灰色泽,通体梅子色晶莹剔透。币面丝滑,此安徽发行必定成為拍场上的亮点。CHINA. Anhwei. 3 Mace 6 Candareens (50 Cents), Year 24 (1898)-ASTC. Anking Mint. Kuang-hsu (Guangxu). PCGS VF-35.L&M-200; K-58; KM-Y-44.1; WS-1077. A VERY RARE and elusive provincial minor, this piece demonstrates a wholesome originality that leaves it as an incredibly appealing specimen, despite its time in commerce. Wear is present on the highest elements of the design, with some rub seen on the finer features of the dragon and the central characters. Despite this, the surfaces are charmingly colored with gunmetal gray allure, and touches of plum toning that ripple throughout. Glossiness remains, with much appeal arising from the piece, ensuring this Anhwei issue will suffer no shortage of bidders seeking a premium example of the type.