USD 600 - 900
2022-05-05 10:00:00
2022-05-05 18:00:00
庚子吉林省造光绪元宝三钱六分银币。 大字版。铸打深邃,细节出眾,些许流通痕跡。金色於币面近铭文位置处出现,更添风格。如此令人垂涎的保存状态,值得一掷千金。
CHINA. Kirin. 3 Mace 6 Candareens (50 Cents), ND (1900). Kirin Mint. Kuang-hsu (Guangxu). PCGS Genuine--Cleaned, AU Details. L&M-532; K-402; KM-Y-182.3; WS-0410. Variety with large characters. A charming minor that displays a bold strike and rich details afflicted only slightly by time in circulation. Some golden tone clings to the surfaces nearest the characters, further adding to the charm of this piece. Very desirable in any state of preservation, the present example is certain to be much contested.