USD 1500 - 2000
2022-05-05 10:00:00
2022-05-05 18:00:00
福建官局造光绪元宝闽关十文。 大字版。原厂红光丰沛无比,几乎佈满币面。细节锐利,币面连绵光泽衬托。接触痕跡极少,局部轻微褪色,错失顶尖品相。整体状态佳,定能引来争夺。 </p>
CHINA. Fukien. 10 Cash, ND (1901-05). Kuang-hsu (Guangxu). PCGS MS-64 Red Brown. CL-FK.19; KM-Y-97. Large characters variety. This desirous example provides a stunning amount of mint red, being nearly fully so. The sharp details are well applied with the surfaces overrunning with luster that accentuates the details. Very little evidence of contact is observed, though there are a few areas of slight discoloration that likely prevented this piece from reaching a full Gem status. Altogether, a strong example that is certain to be treasured by the many collectors.