USD 10000 - 20000
2022-05-04 13:00:00
2022-05-04 19:00:00
臆造臺湾军餉大清龙马一两银币。 与同系列的臆造版比较后,可见此枚的雕刻出自名师之手,细节展现得淋漓尽致,无可匹敌。正面高浮雕图文深峻,反面图文有力但浮雕较低。包浆极美,经细心保存方能留住动人的设计。定能令资深藏家倾心的一枚。
CHINA. Taiwan. Fantasy Horse & Dragon Silver Tael, ND (ca. 1910). NGC MS-63. K-B37; KMX-M260; WS-1349-53. After comparison to other examples from this series of fantasy issues, it appears that the present survivor was engraved by a very well versed hand. Further scrutinizing of this series allows one to notice that great attention was paid to the intricate details of this example, far exceeding that of other pieces. The obverse exhibits bold, high relief devices, with strong but low relief motifs on the reverse. This beautifully toned specimen was very clearly handled with great care in order to preserve its attractive design, and is sure to see spirited bidding from the specialist.