USD 100 - 200
2021-12-01 10:00:00
2021-12-01 15:00:00
湖北省造光绪元宝当十铜币。水龙,龙爪与龙鬚内,大"北"。精选品相,亮丽的巧克力棕色币面,光泽强劲。铸打非常锐利,栩栩如生。CHINA. Hupeh. 10 Cash, ND (1902-05). PCGS MS-63 Brown.CL-HP.10; KM-Y-122. Variety with water dragon, claw inside whiskers, and large "bei". Incredibly appealing and enchanting, this choice specimen offers vibrant chocolate brown surfaces and intense lustrous brilliance. All the while, a very sharp strike simply augments its strong allure.