不同面值日本钱币一组。约129枚。 整个日本现代时期的发行,从明治时期的银和铜一直到半流卑金属的发行。尼泊尔的一些发行也包括在内。初学者对日本钱币学研习之用。出价前建议仔细检阅。现况出售,概不退换。 JAPAN. Group of Mixed Denominations (Approximately 129 Pieces), ND (Late 19th-late 20th Centuries). Grade Range: VERY GOOD to UNCIRCULATED. This interesting arrangement presents coinage from throughout the modern era of Japan, with silver and copper from the Meiji period all the way up to semi-current base metal denominations. A few issues from Nepal are included as well. A great beginner or study lot in Japanese numismatics. Close examination highly encouraged. <strong>SOLD AS IS/NO RETURNS</strong>.