1800/1年法国铜章。 直径58mm;重96.49克。正面为拿破仑,马伦哥战役胜利勳章拥簇;反面为军队穿过大圣伯纳德山口。<p><em>委託人标注:"模具由 Andrieu 根据 David 的一幅名画设计。该模具从未正式铸造,仅是Andrieu的纸上谈兵。此枚的模具油 Montagny 打造,其使用了 Andrieu 的正面设计。"</em> FRANCE. Bronze Medal, Year 8 (1800/1). Grade: EXTREMELY FINE. Diameter: 58 mm; weight: 96.49 gms. Bramsen-33. Obverse: head of Napoleon right, surrounded by trophies of war, victor of the battle of Marengo; reverse: the army crosses the St. Bernard pass.<p><em>The consignor comments, "An ambitious die was designed by Andrieu, based on a famous painting by David. This die was never hardened, and it was used by Andrieu only to make cliches. The present medal was struck from dies made by Montagny, who gave Andrieu credit for the obverse."</em>