1992年200元一公斤银币。生肖系列。首轮12生肖週年纪念。 直径:120mm。发行量:300。八波纹。非常罕见且令人印象深刻,大规格展现高度镜面,仅有极轻微的雾。同时,霜面图文突出对比性。带原盒,以及真品证书 # 000041。 (t)
CHINA. 200 Yuan (Kilo), 1992. Lunar Series, 12th Anniversary Commemorative. CHOICE PROOF. KM-436. Diameter: 120mm. Mintage: 300. Variety with eight water lines. A <strong>VERY RARE</strong> and impressive piece, this large format issue offers a highly mirrored nature with a minimal degree of light haziness. Meanwhile, the frosting augments the strong cameo nature. Includes original case of issue, as well as certificate of authenticity # 000041.