安南啓定宝鑑两钱。 重 7.33 克。寳鑑版。铸打颇锋利,表面大致呈浅灰至银灰色,衬托图文的包浆色泽更深。上下均有打孔,因此版常作装饰之用。 ANNAM. Medallic Silver 2 Tien, ND (1926-45). PCGS Genuine--Holed, AU Details. KMX-M3.4 var. (size of pearl and flames). Weight: 7.33 gms. "Bao Chien" issue. Fairly sharp and charming, with mostly light gray/argent surfaces and a much darker tone accentuating the devices. Holed at the top and bottom, as is usually the case for these decorative types. Ex: Sullivan Collection.