1951年第一版人民币壹万圆。正反样张。 样票号为"0003904"。我们很荣幸呈献此张1951年壹万圆的设计,正反面样票相配。该系列的钞票最初是为新疆发行的,并没有大规模生产,时至今日受中国收藏家的炽热追捧。正面样票 Choice EF 45 ,PMG 评论为"有黏贴痕迹",描绘了左侧有马及牧人,栗色团花于左,彩色边框设计。反面 AU 50 , PMG 评论为"笔注"。反面中央蒙古文,左右侧以深棕色墨水呈现"10000"面值。
CHINA--PEOPLES REPUBLIC. Lot of (2). Peoples Bank of China. 10,000 Yuan, 1951. P-858As1 & 858As2. Front & Back Specimen. PMG Choice Extremely Fine 45 & About Uncirculated 50. (S/M#C282). Specimen serial numbers "0003904." We are pleased to offer the matched front and back specimen pairing for this elusive 195110,000 Yuan design. Originally, the notes from this series were issued for Xinjiang Province, and did not experience mass production thus they are highly sought after today by PRC collectors. The Front Specimen is in a Choice EF 45 grade, with PMG commenting "Previously Mounted." The Front Specimen depicts horses with herdsman at left and a maroon guilloche at left with a similar colored border design. The Back Specimen is in a AU 50 grade, with PMG commenting "Annotation." The Back Specimen displays Mongolian text at center with "10000" counters at left and right in a dark brown ink.