USD 5000 - 10000
2021-09-30 09:00:00
2021-09-30 18:00:00
江南省造光绪元宝三分六釐银币。 圈中龙。包浆柔美,光泽强劲,图文高处轻微磨损。与另外几枚拍品接近。"CANDAREENS"的"C"、"KIANG NAN"的首个"N"及"PROVINCE"的"R"旁有明显模裂。人气版别,罕见品相。
CHINA. Kiangnan. 3.6 Candareens (5 Cents), ND (1897). PCGS AU-58. L&M-214B; K-70a; KM-Y-141; WS-0793. Circled Dragon variety. Softly toned with strong luster and only the slightest wear atop the designs. Similar to several other examples that weve offered, significant die cracks appear near the "C" in "CANDAREENS", the first "N" in KIANG NAN" and the "R" in "PROVINCE". As a type, rather elusive, and bordering on <strong>RARE</strong> in this quality.