USD 4000 - 6000
2021-09-30 09:00:00
2021-09-30 18:00:00
湖北省造光绪元宝七钱二分银币。 图文深峻,绸缎币面,灯光下旋转可见车轮光,魅力无边。浓厚的点状包浆衬托图文,原始而美观。 (t)
CHINA. Hupeh. 7 Mace 2 Candareens (Dollar), ND (1895-1907). PCGS MS-62. L&M-182; K-40; KM-Y-127.1; WS-0873. This highly attractive and lustrous survivor exhibits bold devices, satiny surfaces and cartwheel luster the pops out when rotated in the light. Lovely rich mottled patina accentuated the devices adding to its pleasing appearance and originality.