USD 1000 - 1500
2021-09-29 09:00:00
2021-09-29 18:00:00
民国二十三年孙中山像帆船壹圆银币。 滇版。碟状底板光泽充沛,银光强劲。稍有香槟色包浆,接触痕迹几乎不可见。仔细检视可见微弱经手痕迹。反面细心观察可见此版"圆"字中间两横较短,别具特色。原味美品,定能增进集藏深度的一枚。 (t)
CHINA. Dollar, Year 23 (1934). PCGS MS-61. L&M-110; K-624; KM-Y-345; WS-0146. Yunnan variety. Bright luster populates the dished fields with aggressive rotating bands of argent. Tinged slightly champagne color, the surfaces exhibit little in the way of contact marks, though very light handling can be seen when carefully examined. Close inspection of the reverse gives incite to this sub-variety, comparing the character "圓", the two short inner strokes in the center of the character appear to be the distinction. This handsome example offers much originality and is pleasing to the eye sure to add depth the next collection it enters.