TIMURID:LOT of 70 silver tankas: Shahrukh: 42 pcs, almost all type A-2405, including the mints of Huwayza, Saveh, Sari, Sabzawar, Herat, Kirman, Isfahan, Abarquh, Qumm, Yazd, Damghan, Sultaniya, Samarqand, Astarabad, and Qazwin, nearly all with legible date (mostly VF, a few with some weakness); Abul-Qasim Babur: 2 pcs, mintless type of the Mazandaran province, undated (VF), and uncertain type (Fine, 40% flat); Abd Allah: Samarqand 854 (VG); Sultan Husayn: 21 pcs, all but one the common type A-2432.3, the common mints Astarabad and Herat, plus 2 of Mashhad and 1 of Simnan; and one of the common countermark type A-2438 of Herat (mostly VF); and Sultan Ahmad: 4 pcs, none with legible mint, including 2 countermarked by Sultan Husayn (average Fine); all identified in envelopes; retail value $1150, lot of 70 pieces.