公元前320 / 15-300西西里 尔奇西库洛 - 迦太基。 恩特拉。正面:阿瑞梭莎头像向左,三坠耳环,珍珠项鍊;四隻海豚围绕;反面:马脸向左,橄榄树在右,古迦太基语的M在下。纵有几处刮痕及碰痕,币面依然亮丽,铸工上乘。SICILY. Siculo-Punic. Entella. AR Tetradrachm, ca. 320/15-300 B.C. NGC Ch VF. Scratches.BAR Issue-4; HGC-2, 289. Obverse: Head of Arethousa right, wearing grain wreath, triple-pendant earring, and pearl necklace; four dolphins around; Reverse: Head of horse left; palm tree to right, Punic M below. Though a fair number of scuffs and scratches are noted, this piece nevertheless offers a fairly well centered strike and bright surfaces.