北洋三十四年造光绪元宝七钱二分银币。 长尾龙。正面龙头左侧有轻微擦损,仅获评Details等级,我们未发现其他工具处理痕迹。光泽亮丽,大部分未包浆,仅正面有轻微香槟色光泽。
CHINA. Chihli (Pei Yang). 7 Mace 2 Candareens (Dollar), Year 34 (1908). PCGS Genuine--Tooled, AU Details Gold Shield. L&M-465; K-208; KM-Y-73.2; WS-0642. Long tail spine variety. Minor surfaces abrasions are noted on the obverse near the left side of the dragons head appear to account for the details designation, otherwise we find no signs of said tooling. Lustrous and largely untoned with a hint of champagne patina on the obverse.