民国二十五年孙中山像布图拾分下"津"镍样币。天津造币厂。 反面古钱布图两足间有"津"字。罕见样币,达完美品相。铸打精良,光泽柔美,悦目灰色包浆,定能在拍卖行上备受关注。耿爱德及世界钱币标准目录均表示此币种以镍所铸。但批组钱币应为不明镍合金所铸造,而非纯镍。纯镍有磁性,而此批钱币没有,因此不可能为纯镍製造。
CHINA. Nickel Alloy 10 Cents Pattern, Year 25 (1936). Tientsin Mint. PCGS SPECIMEN-65 Gold Shield. cf. KM-Pn157; K-846. Chinese character "Ch ing" on reverse between the feet of the spade. A RARE pattern, this Gem quality example is well struck with soft luster and exhibits pleasing gray toning, and is sure to bring plenty of attention when it comes up in the auction.Interesting to note that both Edward Kann and the Standard Catalog of World Coins (KM) list this pattern being struck in Nickle. It appears that these were struck in an unknown Nickle Alloy rather then pure Nickle. Since pure Nickle is magnetic and these patterns are not, these could not have been struck in pure Nickle. From the Mas Fera Collection.With old collector s envelope.