明代崇祯通寳古钱一组。220枚。 明思宗崇祯年间各式製币,置于三个钱币收纳夹中。大部分磨损均匀,少部分有环境损伤或其他瑕疵。建议藏家仔细检阅,有心者必有惊喜。现况出售,概不退换。零售价逾$1,500美金。
CHINA. Ming Dynasty, 1368-1644. Collection of Cash (Approx. 220 Pieces), ND. Emperor Si Zong. Grade Range: GOOD to VERY FINE. Cash coins of many varieties from the reign of Si Zong, housed in mylar pages in three separate albums. Honest wear on most pieces, very few showing any environmental damage and/or other defects. Close personal inspection is advised and will reward the diligent bidder. SOLD AS IS/NO RETURNS. Approximate retail value in excess of $1,500.