战国时期,梁国。 龚城。圆孔圆钱。 正面"共",背面无字。铸打上乘,字体清晰,少许积土,色调以绿为主。现况出售,概不退换。
CHINA. Warring States Period Ca. 475-221 B.C. State of Liang. City of Gong. Zhou Round Coin, ND (ca. 350-220 B.C.). Fine. Hartill-6.1; FD-359; S-75; DCD-610; Jen-29. Weight: 17.96 gms. Obverse: "Gong"; Reverse: Blank. Well made example of the type with bold characters, minor earthen deposits, and a greenish color. SOLD AS IS/NO RETURNS.