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联合创办 CICE/HKCS 系列钱币展销会

联合创办 CICE/HKCS 系列钱币展销会

首席收藏网 > 数据中心 > Stack's Bowers and Ponterio > SBP2019年3月香港-古钱 金银锭 机制币

Lot:60401 西藏黄金贝型勋章 近未流通

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USD 10000 - 15000

SBP2019年3月香港-古钱 金银锭 机制币

2019-03-26 10:00:00

2019-03-26 19:00:00


USD 26400



西藏黄金贝形新年勳章。直径73毫米(不含挂环及丝带);重79.5克(含丝带)。两只西藏雪豹伴于三宝侧(佛祖、达摩、僧伽),底板纹饰立体,朵云与繁花密佈,图文间点画出小圆圈。铭文为"BKRA SHIS BDE LEGS"(发音:"tashi delek"),为传统的西藏新年吉语。背无书。配灰红编织的花纹布带。章体表面绽放橘红色泽,赏心悦目。随拍品附上的字条标明此章用于赠予来自德里的一位美国代表。此枚罕见的金章以两块金料所製,正面雕刻完成后,再与底部合併而成。置于木质皮盒内,盒有一角缺失,漆红色,点缀繁複金色边框。

CHINA. Tibet. Impressive Gold Shell New Years Medal, ND (ca. early 20th Century). ALMOST UNCIRCULATED。73 mm excluding hanger and ribbon; 79.5 gms, including ribbon. Two Tibetan snow leopards support the Triple Gem (Buddha, Dharma and Sangha). The elaborately engraved fields are filled with clouds and flowers and all spaces between the devices are finely stippled with minute circles. The inscription is "BKRA SHIS BDE LEGS" (pronounced "tashi delek") which is the traditional Tibetan New Years greeting; Reverse: blank. It is suspended from a gray and red woven cloth ribbon with a floral design. The surfaces of the medal are enhanced with an iridescent orange-red tone, which is quite attractive. According to a note included with the piece, it was presented to an American representative from Delhi. This RARE medallion was made from two pieces of gold which have been joined together after the obverse was crafted. Housed in a wood and leather case (now missing an end piece), which has been stained red, and embellished with an ornate design in gold paint。