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联合创办 CICE/HKCS 系列钱币展销会

联合创办 CICE/HKCS 系列钱币展销会

首席收藏网 > 数据中心 > Stack's Bowers and Ponterio > SBP2019年3月香港-古钱 金银锭 机制币

Lot:60178 湖北省造双龙一两小字 PCGS Genuine

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USD 6000 - 9000

SBP2019年3月香港-古钱 金银锭 机制币

2019-03-26 10:00:00

2019-03-26 19:00:00

PCGS Genuine

USD 19200



光绪三十年湖北省造大清银币库平一两。小字版。细节突出,双面均呈斑驳灰色包浆,有轻微髮丝刮痕。当时的币制改革拟弃用"圆"为单位,改用中国传统重量单位製钱,湖北一两便应运而生。原本在製造双龙一两的同时,铸币局还要铸五钱、二钱、一钱等辅币,但是这些辅币均未有流通币流传于世,甚至连样币都没有,因此很有可能未曾铸出。当时的百姓普遍认为两种币制在转换时会引起困扰,在找钱时尤其如此。这一换算混乱情况的佐证,是大英博物馆馆藏的一枚湖北一两:它新如出厂,唯独好似切饼般被切去了一角,与Joe Cribb著述Money in the Bank第121页图4.10所示的broken dollars有异曲同工之妙。湖北双龙一两流通时间极短,之后被大清银币取代,儘管铸打数量较多,但是之后多被回炉重铸。值得注意的是,湖北一两的银成色为0.877,与1905年(光绪三十一年)制定的一两银币章程中所规定的0.960不符。

CHINA. Hupeh. Tael, Year 30 (1904). PCGS Genuine--Cleaned, EF Details Gold Shield。L&M-180; Y-128.2; WS-0878. Small Characters variety. Sharply detailed for the designation with faint hairlines appearing beneath mottled gray tone on both sides.emThe Hupeh Tael was introduced as part of a projected coinage reform based on the traditional Chinese weight standard, rather than the Dollar system. In the initial proposal to produce these coins, it was also suggested to produce smaller denominations in the values of 1, 2, and 5 Mace. However, no such pieces have surfaced (even in pattern form) and it is unlikely they were ever produced. The general populace found it complicated in converting two distinctly different coinage systems, especially when making change. A Hupeh Tael housed in the British museum supports this by showing evidence of cutting to make change. The British museum specimen is essentially Mint State with a large pie shape section cut from the coin. The cut is in a similar manner to the "broken dollars" picture on pg. 121 figure 4.10 of Joe Cribbs reference "Money in the Bank". This short lived series circulated for only a brief period and was soon after replaced by the unified Tai Ching Ti Kuo silver coinage. Although the Hupeh Tael coinage has a fairly large mintage, most were likely melted down to be made into later coinage. It is interesting to note that the Hupeh Taels were struck in 0.877 fine silver, as opposed to the 0.960 fine silver set forth by the currency regulations of 1905./em。