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联合创办 CICE/HKCS 系列钱币展销会

联合创办 CICE/HKCS 系列钱币展销会

首席收藏网 > 数据中心 > 冠军拍卖 > 冠军2018年11月澳门-钱币专场

Lot:291 贵州省造民国17年壹圆汽车 NGC MS 58

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USD 15000 - 30000


2018-11-25 10:00:00

2018-11-25 18:00:00


USD 55200



1928年(民国十七年)贵州省政府造贵州银币一圆,俗称“汽车币”,车门有点。L&M609,Y428,NGC MS58。

Norcal 藏品此版一枚PCGS AU58在2011年4月海瑞德拍卖会上的成交价是76375美元,评分位列第二。2016年8月23日冠军拍卖会上有一枚评级最高分NGC MS-61,成交价是82600美元(落槌价70000美元,佣金18%)。儘管此币是在偏远省份制造,却依旧受到收藏家们的热烈追捧。也正因为如此,才使得此币至今仍有不少数量留存于各大收藏家之手。此币曾经流通过一段时间,因此留下来的钱币中大部分均是流通品,品相较差,仅不到6枚是未使用品。此币由贵州省长周西成制造,他在当时刚完成了一条贯穿贵州省的重要公路的建设。正如我在《世界钱币新闻》上刊登的文章所指出的那样,建设这条公路部分原因是为了解决当时的饥荒问题,为建公路而筹措的资金中一部分款项也是来源于国际饥馑救济总署。当时负责该专案的是一位美国人O.J.Todd,他写了一本有关他当时工作的书籍,裡面就有周西成和他的汽车的照片。这辆美国敞篷汽车是周西成由广东所购,由于当时没有公路,汽车是拆散后,再人挑马驮运入贵州的,然后再重新组装。这是贵州省当时唯一的一辆汽车。新造的贵州公路由贵阳通向西北方向,但不与其它公路接轨。在很长一段时间内,大家都认为汽车币是在四川省铸造,因为贵州省当时根本没有自己的造币厂。但我认为这枚钱币是在贵州制造,使用的是周西成的士兵从重庆造币厂掠夺而来的机器设备。近期中国出版的一篇文章中也证实了这一点。此币存在一种车门带点的罕见版式,似乎是用重新雕刻的币模制造,好品相的极为少见。目前评级分数最高NGC MS-61,评分第二高NGC MS-58。 US $15000-30000

CHINA-KWEICHOW 1928 Auto Dollar Silver, a car door with a dot.NGC MS58.Norcal Collection.A PCGS AU58 was sold in Heritage in Apr-11, sale for US $76375, the second highest graded of this variety.A NGC MS-61 was sold in Champion Coin Auction in August 23,2016, sale for US $82600 ($70000+18%), highest graded of this variety. Though made in a remote province, this coin was eagerly sought by collectors shortly after it was issued. As a result, a large percentage of those struck survive today in collectors hands. Nearly all, however, circulated for a time and today less than half a dozen uncirculated examples are known to exist.The coin was struck in 1928 for Governor Chou His-cheng who had just completed a motor road through his province. As I pointed out in my 1977 World Coin News article on this coin, the road was actually built as part of a famine relief operation, and was financed in part by the International Famine Relief Commission. An American engineer, O.J.Todd, who was in charge of the project, wrote a book about his work in China which included photographs of Governor Chou and his car. The car, an American model, was purchased in Canton, taken apart and carried by foot to Kweichow, where it was reassembled. It was the only car in the province. The road went north and west from Kweiyang, but did not connect with any other road.It has long been believed that the Auto Dollar was struck in Szechuan province because Kweichow did not have a mint in those days. In my article I speculated that the coin might have been struck in Kweichow on machinery looted from the Chungking Mint by Chou’s soldiers. Recently an article published in China claimed that this is in fact what happened.There exists a scarce example with a dot on the door which seemed to struck from recut dies, which is very rare in high grade. The finest known example was NGC MS-61, the second finest was NGC MS-58.US $15000-30000

价格参考 Price Guide