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联合创办 CICE/HKCS 系列钱币展销会

联合创办 CICE/HKCS 系列钱币展销会

首席收藏网 > 数据中心 > SPINK > SPINK2018年1月香港-邮票专场

Lot:2572 1883年北京寄罗马大龙寄封 近未流通

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HKD 1800000 - 2000000


2018-01-21 10:00:00

2018-01-21 19:00:00


HKD 3375000



1883年11月29日北京寄羅馬大龍實寄封,封背貼厚紙大龍五分銀九方連票,十五方連票及三分銀五方連票各一件,銷北京藍色郵戳,另蓋1月17日羅馬到達戳,封上另再貼德國駐北京大使紅色簽紙,此外分別蓋有北京及上海海關日戳,而在封面(封面有部份地址被切除了)加貼了法國客郵75仙一枚及1法郎三枚,銷上海法國客郵日戳,及有三處消毒切痕, 這信函共貼一百三十五分銀郵資,是正常的二十五倍,當時定必放進了大量文件. 同時此封貼了大量郵票,而其中的五分銀十五方連是記錄中最大的方連,貼大龍票寄意大利實寄封有記錄的只得二封,而帶消毒切痕的檢疫封也只得三封,由此可以知道這件大龍實寄封的珍貴價值所在. 若置這實寄封於任何大龍郵集將大大增添其稀罕度.

China Large Dragons Covers 1883 (29 Nov.) the spectacular, heavy-weight cover to Rome bearing, on the reverse, thicker paper 5ca. block of nine [5-6-16/23-14-17/4-20-3], 5ca. block of fifteen [5-6-16-1-18/23-14-17-25-21/4-20-3-13-15] from Setting IV together with 3ca. block of five [10-17-3/24-9] from an unknown setting, cancelled by Peking seals in blue and Roma arrival c.d.s. (17.1). With red paper seal of the German Embassy in Peking, Peking Customs c.d.s. in blue and Shanghai Customs c.d.s. in blue (4.12). The address side (part of the address has been excised) bears France 75c. and 1f. (3) tied by "<H>shang-hai/chine" c.d.s. (5.12) and there are three disinfection slits.This cover has been folded for display; this fold does not affect the stamps and allows this cover to fit an album page.The postage of 135 candareens represents a twenty five times rate, so this large envelope would have contained many documents.This remarkable cover is franked with the greatest number of Large Dragon stamps recorded on any cover and the block of fifteen is the largest recorded block from setting IV. There are only two Large Dragon covers addressed to Italy and only three with disinfection slips. This is one of the greatest Large Dragon covers and would make a valuable addition to any exhibit, even of the highest calibre. Photo