1903年印度新金山中国渣打银行伍圆修改至壹佰圆,编号F/S 25563,PMG 10,有锈渍及笔注,被注销,正面的中文、英文及阿拉伯面值均由伍圆修改至壹佰圆,唯背面仅修改阿拉伯数字的部分,英文依然维持原有的“FIVE”。PMG封套中附一封1911年印度新金山中国渣打银行香港分行邮寄予伦敦总部的注销通知书,还原其流通过程及注销历史,别具意义。原来的伍员亦是首发年份,属于凤毛麟角的存在,更添收藏价值。Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China, Hong Kong, a genuine $5 dollar note raised to $100, 1.10.1903, serial number F/S 25563, the base note is genuine but the denomination in Arabic numbers, English and Chinese have all been changed the $100 on the obverse but not on the reverse which is quite remarkable, also accompanying the note is a letter from the Bank dated 7th July 1911 to state that this note was presented to (their) Canton (Guangzhou) offices by Messrs. Howarth Erskine Ld. who received it from one of their contractors, a fascinating pair of items,(Pick 34 for type), very good, central hole and brush pen writing, CANCELLED written in crayon. This is the very first date of issue for type and would have be an extremely rare early note had it not been altered.